Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lesson #083, Eighth of January II

Hi Everyone,

Before we get into playing this tune, lets start by playing a G major scale in the Keith/Thompson style. You can see in the video how we are going to approach this scale. When you pick this scale for yourself you can feel the motion of the right hand, and it is basically using the alternating thumb roll. In later lessons when we start to move up the neck perhaps going towards a second octave with some of these scales, we will feel the forward and backward rolls in different places on the neck as well. Its very important to learn the all of the basic rolls from previous lessons first! before giving this tune a try.

You can also see in the video that I gave you a few two finger positions to work on a little bit before you actually start to play this tune. It will help your left hand fingers to know where they are going and how it feels before you start to pick. Good luck with Eighth of January all.


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